Abstract and paper requirements


Please format your abstract and paper in the following way:

  1. The paper must be within the scope of the conference themes.
  2. The abstract must not exceed one page (including references if any).
  3. The paper should be authentic, and methodologically, grammatically and stylistically sound.
  4. It should neither be previously published, nor submitted to a third-party.
  5. The front page of the paper should have the following details: research title, name of the researcher, his academic title and academic affiliation.
  6. The paper must not exceed 25 pages.
  7. The paper will be refereed by the Academic Committee of the conference.
  8. Please format your paper in the following way:
    • Arabic Papers must be written in Traditional Arabic 16; English and/or Bahasa Malaysia papers must be written in Times New Roman 12 (do not use all caps, no bold print).
    • Citation and references in conference papers must follow (APA) style.
    • Arabic endnotes must be written in Traditional Arabic 12; English and/or Bahasa Malaysia endnotes must be written in Times New Roman 8.
    • Provide two copies of the paper: one in (doc, docx) format and another in (PDF).

Abstracts and full-text papers can be submitted via email. Please send your abstract and paper to the following address: icls.flan@mediu.edu.my.